Sunday, April 6, 2008

Where is the LORD God of Elijah?

What happens when you read books about Shepherding; listen to sermons by people like Tim Smith, Dr. Champlin, Brother Andrew, and Dr. Horn; read the Bible; and pray? I'm not sure exactly. But your thinking is bound to be challenged. And mine has. More to a future date when I've sorted some things out.

But for now, if we believe in interpreting the Bible literally, why don't we practice that belief? If Christ says, "All authority is given me in heaven and earth. Go!...", why isn't it being done? Why don't we believe that Christ has all authority? If Christ says, "I WILL build my church", why are so many of our churches not growing? If the Bible says that being persecuted for Jesus' name is a good thing, then why are we so scared of it? Why are we so quick to throw up our hands in surrender at every little obstacle? Why are we so scared? Why do we sit around and argue about things that men have argued non stop for the last 400 years and still haven't figured out? Why aren't we out doing instead of sitting arguing? If only we would get out and do the work instead of talking about thinking we should do the work.

Where is our faith and security in Christ that allows us to abandon ourselves to Him and trust Him completely come what may? Where is the LORD God of Elijah? Is He dead? Is He out walking? Or is He sleeping? No!! Our faith is dead. Our faith is out shopping for new mortgage rates, new cars, houses, clothes, degrees, and select comfort air matresses so we can sleep better with our guilt ridden consciences while the world sleeps in lost terror lest they wake in hell. Our faith is out sleeping while we sit through another 20 minute sermon, anxiously checking our watches lest our pot roast burns. The question is not where is the God of Elijah; the question is where is the Elijah of today? Where is the David, the Daniel, the Paul, the Ezra, the Nehemiah, the Peter, the Stephen? Stephen was a deacon! The first martyr! The Bible says that all who live godly in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution. Not maybe. Not will suffer persecution if you live in China. It says all. ALL. All WILL suffer persecution. Are we living a persecuted life for Christ? What are we doing? I think I know the you?

Don't ask where God is but ask where am I. God hasn't changed. He is waiting for you to be ready and willing to sell all for Him. Then and only then will He show Himself to be the LORD God of Elijah in your life. The LORD God of Elijah is right there, waiting for you to claim His promises. Claim Them!

Next thought...or maybe I should save it for next time....yeah I think I will. You have enough to think about for now.


Jon said...

Several of those questions and issues have also crossed my mind this past week and I'm sure they will be reinforced and added to as I get a chance to listen to the conference MP3. Thanks for your reminders to take stock and keep thinking :)

Joshua Jezowski said...

You weren't kidding when you said we "have enough to think about for now"! I have read your post several times, started to respond a couple of times, and then decided to wait for your next thought (which I had assumed would come immediately on the heels of Missions Conference). The part that most caught my attention was the section that spoke of persecution. As with Jon, thoughts concerning that topic have been on my mind, but I have been unable to consolidate them into a single comment that can be posted here. I hope that my thoughts do not actually contradict themselves, but they do not flow easily from one to another. Therefore, I think the best course of action will be to post several of them on my own blog this week with links back to this article at the head of each one of them. The first of them will probably be posted tomorrow, so feel free to check.