Saturday, March 1, 2008

Juan Illegal Gonzales: Dirty Mexican or Lost Sheep?

Several of my friends and I have talked recently about our response as Christians to illegal immigrants. How does one respond? I've heard Christians call them "Dirty Mexicans." Is that the proper Biblical response? Do you just overlook their breaking of US laws? What do you do when someone you have worked and sweated with, talked and joked with, tells you that they are not in the US legally? Do you turn them in? I'll tell you right now that I don't have all the answers. I'm still sorting some of it out. But there are a few things I do know. And I'm about to impart my knowledge to you dear reader, to take it or leave it as you see fit but if the words I write today compels you to consider this very current and worthwhile topic, my time will be well spent. (I sound like an introduction from a book written 100 years ago!)

First, we are all sinners in the sight of God. Romans 3:23 says, "For all have sinned." We are all guilty of breaking God's law and outside of God's redeeming grace, headed for eternal damnation in hell. Read Romans 3:9-19 "What then? Are we better than they? Not at all. For we have previously charged both Jews and Greeks that they are all under sin. As it is written: “ There is none righteous, no, not one; There is none who understands; There is none who seeks after God. They have all turned aside; They have together become unprofitable; There is none who does good, no, not one.” “ Their throat is an open tomb; With their tongues they have practiced deceit”; “ The poison of asps is under their lips”; “ Whose mouth is full of cursing and bitterness.” “ Their feet are swift to shed blood; Destruction and misery are in their ways; And the way of peace they have not known.” “ There is no fear of God before their eyes.” Now we know that whatever the law says, it says to those who are under the law, that every mouth may be stopped, and all the world may become guilty before God." According to a plain, literal interpretation, we Americans are no better than the Mexicans. Not even the Jews, God's chosen people, are better than the Mexicans. We are all the same in God's eyes. The only difference is if you are saved. But even then you must remember where you came from. I Corinthians 6:9-11 "Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor homosexuals, nor sodomites, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners will inherit the kingdom of God. And such were some of you. But you were washed, but you were sanctified, but you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus and by the Spirit of our God." That is the difference!

But what about the illegals? What about the Hispanics? Remember that Christ died for all men, not just white Americans. Yes illegal immigrants are just that, illegal. But what did they do? They broke mans law. What did you do? You broke God's law. Now you are probably saying, "If you break mans law, you are breaking God's law." You are right. But you broke God's law as well. We can't get all high and mighty about ourselves because we are no better than the illegals. And just as Christ died for you, Christ died for them too! Christ loved the world. He treated sinners with respect. The people Christ had no respect for where the Pharisees. And you know what we all too often are as white, Christian Americans? WE are the pharisees of todays world. We have our theological arguments we spend hours and thousands of dollars bickering about when what we are often arguing about are moot points of our traditions. You know who the "dirty Mexicans" where of Christ's day? The Samaritans. Who did Christ go see? A Samaritan woman with 5 husbands and who was living with a man who wasn't her husband. What did Christ do? He talked with her and let her get water for him, and showed her that she needed Living Water and shared with her and her people the way to that Living Water! NOWHERE did he EVER treat someone in need in a derogatory fashion. No...instead he wept over them; he had compassion on them. I once worked with a man I'll call Jose. He had a wife in Mexico, a wife in America, and a girlfriend in America. Dirty Mexican? NO!!! Lost Sheep? YES!!!! And that is what our focus needs to be! These are lost people bound for hell like you once where. But now you aren't. You have hope and a message. DON'T YOU DARE CALL THEM DIRTY MEXICANS!!!

But there are laws on the books. Illegal Immigrants are just that, illegal. They have broken the law of this land. How do we deal with that? I don't entirely know. Often we do not know who the illegals are or aren't. And we can't ask. If they show identification, we have to take it and can't question it. I personally have never turned any illegals in. I don't know anyone who has, even those who call illegals dirty Mexicans. The only times I know of, in my experience, where illegals have been sent back to Mexico, have been when the Government has found out about someone being illegal. Someone said something very interesting the other day. They said that as long as a Mexican can earn 10 times more money in the US than in Mexico, there is no way you will keep them out, legal or illegal. And they are right. But that doesn't make the illegals OK. It is still wrong. So I don't know exactly what we should do when we find out that someone is illegal. I would probably strongly urge them to get things cleared up so they are legal. Especially if I find out that they are Christians or they just got saved.

That does raise another question that was recently brought to my attention. What do you do if you are planting a church that focuses on Hispanics? People start getting saved and then the illegals start getting convicted and turn themselves in or go back to Mexico their own. Your congregation is decreasing or always changing and fluctuating. That can make things difficult on the church planter and church. But that brings to mind the Jerusalem Church in Acts. A similar situation. The result of that scattering was the gospel spreading more places. So I say, get the Mexicans/Hispanics/Latinos saved and let 'em get back to their countries! We are to pray that God will send laborers out to the harvest field. God is answering our prayer if the Hispanics get saved then return to spread the gospel. So what if it makes things a little more difficult in our church plant. God will provide. Where's your faith?

So I guess I'll wrap this up now. Remember what you were before you were saved. Remember what Christ came to earth to do and what his response was to those rather less than savory individuals. We are all the same in God's sight. You are no better than anybody else. We need to share the gospel with everyone legal or no. And if you are still calling Hispanics "dirty Mexicans", I challenge you to go find one and make him your friend. Then let me know if your attitude changes.

(Josh, I hope it doesn't look like I plagiarized from your blog! If it does I didn't mean too.)


Frank Di Gerl said...

That is a tough one to sort. I've oft wondered about that myself...

Enchanting profile picture, by the way...

Joshua Jezowski said...

I appreciate the thought that you have put into this post, and also the perspective from which you write. The fact that you actually know some of the people about whom you write (unlike me) gives you a warmth that I cannot approach. I, on the other hand, have the benefit of attempting to establish policy without the distraction of specific names and faces, which would make the process more difficult. If you make it back to my blog to read my subsequent posts (whenever I get around to writing them) you will probably hear echoes from your own article, so don't be alarmed. If we both use the same Source as the basis for our thinking, it only makes sense that we would arrive at similar conclusions.
I appreciated your reference to the Samaritans of Jesus' day in connection with Hispanic people. In my own study I have been considering the story of Onesimus in Philemon as a parallel with people who have illegal status, yet become believers.
I was also struck by your thoughts concerning the fact that the Gospel would benefit from people trusting Christ as their Savior, and then returning home in obedience with the Good News. I do wonder, however, is there anything that we can do to help illegals go through the process of becoming legal, so that they would not have to permanently leave the U.S.? I have started looking into that possibility, but am not ready to discuss my findings.
One other portion of your post that I have been considering has to do with a Christian's response upon learning that a person he knows has illegal status. I had been afraid that to keep silent would be to violate U.S. law, but from what I can learn the government does not expect its average citizens to be law-enforcement officials. In a primary debate last fall, I heard several of the Democratic hopefuls explicitly state that, and follow-up study has not turned up any new information to the contrary. I could be wrong, but if there is a law that punishes citizens for not speaking out, it is surprisingly difficult to find (and there may be state laws in other states that would apply--I would not know about those, since I have only been looking in the context of WI). Apparently, the only responsibility the U.S. government gives its citizens is that they should not employ illegals or in any way assist with the their employment so that there would be no incentive for them to illegally enter the States.
I look forward to reading more of your thoughts in the future, and to conversing with you in person.

Stephen Harder said...

Josh, I actually was going to reference Onesimus but I forgot:) In regards to the citizens response: in Washington, as best I understand it, when you employ an immigrant, they have to produce identification stating that they are in the US legally. If they produce that identification, you cannot question it. If however, that identification turns out to be stolen or borrowed or whatever, you the employer get fined for employing an illegal immigrant! But as far as what I as a citizen must do to report illegals, I haven't done any research on that. I should though. I'll post more as I learn more.