Tuesday, October 2, 2007

A Voice of one Crying

A Voice of one crying. Why that for a title? It comes from the book of John, chapter 2 verse 23. When John the Baptist is asked who he is and what he is doing, he responds with "Iam the voice of one crying in the wilderness, Make straight the way of the Lord, as said the prophet Esaias." That is one of my three life verses and one that I hope reflect my mission in life and philosophy of ministry.

Now, why did I create this blog? Why did I, a computer/technology...uh disliker...I almost said hater but that would be too strong of a word...create a blog? Two reasons and they have no real "spiritual" purpose. A friend of mine has a blog and I wanted to respond to a post of his but couldn't until I was also a blogger.
Secondly, I work some very late nights/all nighters/and early mornings. I need something to do when I'm sick of studying!

So that is why I'm here. Basically my reasons are totally pragmatic. But I may actually make a difference in someones life or it may serve to just keep me out of trouble. And if it does either of those, then good. I'm happy.


Matthew said...

Can I mock your spelling in addition to your content?
11th line, 6th word - but at least you spelled the homonym correctly. :P

How you doing?

Stephen Harder said...

I couldn't find spell checker. And I'm computer illytterate two.

Actually it was your blog that inspired mine. I just haven't had time to rant at you yet!:) But I will. And I'm doing just great.

Frank Di Gerl said...

Well, though there are causes more noble for starting a blog, yours isn't half bad.

I look forward to reading more posts.

Stephen Harder said...

I must admit that I have one other motivation for starting a blog. I like to get other people's thoughts on different philosophical subjects and this may be one of the most efficient ways of doing that. It's a way of journaling your thoughts so that others can see them and correct you or give you something else to think about or just to agree or disagree or whatever.

Matthew said...

I think I feel vaguely honored that my blog was so incredible that you decided too try two emulate it. :D

Rae said...

Welcome to the Blogging world, friend. :) I shall refrain from any mockage and instead say...I hope your logic is sound, your humor good, and your content edifying.

Erica Krystowiak said...

What?! I Never, Ever, thought my brother would be a blogger. I guess wonders never cease. I think it's cool though; it's a fun way to stay in touch with people and "think out loud." Have fun! I look forward to reading your theological/philosophical/random ramblings. :) Ashley says "hew-woh, E-behn" ;)