Saturday, October 13, 2007

History of Communication

Verbal communication. It started out one of two ways.
Theory one: Oog the caveman was putting up a partition in his cave. His family was growing and he was partitioning off the playroom to make two rooms. While moving a large rock, he dropped it on his foot and the cries of agony and rage went down in history as the first verbal communication that we, as homo sapiens, had.
Theory two: same time, same place. Only this time Oog's wife Aag was watching. When she saw him drop the rock on his foot, she whispered "Oops." From that rather inauspicious beginning, grew the languages we speak today.

One day Oog wanted to tell his brother-in-law Uug something. But, Uug was in his cave and Oog couldn't leave what he was doing to talk to Uug. So Oog sent his son Junior. Now Junior was a good lad but like most boys his age, a little forgetful. To complicate matters even further, Uug was hard of hearing. When Junior left, he knew that he was supposed to ask Uncle Uug if he was going come over for supper and if he was, to bring some bread and pot roast. "And," Oog added, "come home right away."
So Junior left the cave and went next door to Uncle Uug's house. When he got there, he realized that he had forgotten exactly what he was supposed to ask. He thought it had something to do with bread though. So he asked Uncle Uug, "Do you have any bread or toast and are you coming?" and having said that, turned around and left. After all, his dad told him to come right home. Uug was horrified. The Red Coats! And they were coming!! He ran out into center court and sounded the alarm. "The Red Coats are coming!" he shouted. Everybody came running with their clubs. They lined up shoulder to shoulder, ready to defend their wives and children. they waited....and waited....and waited......and waited...........................................................................

to be continued


Frank Di Gerl said...

To be continued?!

This convoluted story now has my interest... I hope you make sense of it soon! :o)

Antarctic Light said...

wow - odd turn of events there . . .