Friday, December 28, 2007

The Trip Home and Break So Far

Well a late Merry Christmas to you all and a very Happy New Year!
My trip home was exciting. I got within the last flight which normally takes an hour and then I would have been home but the flight got delayed. When we finally boarded the plane and got situated they decided to cancel the flight. So me and my sister were stranded in Seattle. But we have connections! Our pastor recently took over a church in Seattle so we called him up and asked if we could spend the night. Of course they said yes. The next day we ended up borrowing one of their cars and we drove over the pass to our home. Actually I drove because I tend to drive faster than my sister...I won't say how fast as that is classified info. But suffice it to say we made it over the pass and into the glorious desert of eastern Washington in good time. Wide open spaces, mountains, desert, don't get no better!

A lot of my time has been spent preparing messages and Sunday School lessons. So far I have preached 2x and taught 1 SS lesson. I have 3 more SS lessons, and 2 more sermons to write. Since we are without a pastor my Dad and the other Deacon have been doing a lot of speaking and I am helping lighten the load some. Not to mention the two very interesting situations my Dad is having deal with right now....So that's been fun and exciting. But God is faithful and good and we must trust and rely on Him.

So that's it for now. I hope all of you are haveing a great break and I'll see you in a few weeks.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

What will I do?

Well the semester has ended and I have passed all my classes!! But enough with the past. On with the future. The break is here and I am flying home tomorrow. Already I know what I will be doing alot of during break. That is helping out at church. But that is all visible. What will I do in my off-time? You may never know. But I will and so will God. So that is the challenge. Will God be pleased with my activities over break? Will it be a time of growth? Or will I flounder and fall? What will I do? Will I come back stronger and more on fire for God than when I left? What will I do?

Not only is that my question for myself but that is the question for all of you as well. What will you do? I don't need to know but you know and God knows. Will you come back stronger or weaker? What will you do?

Sunday, December 9, 2007

Poems, Mariachi, and Ramblings

Well I am 8 hours and 14 minutes into my 20 hour all night/all day shift. I'm listening to what I believe is the Mormon Tabernacle Choir on a polka streaming websight. Don't ask. I'm about to change it. Which I just did. Now I'm listening to a gospel quartet. Friday was the last day of classes. Something happened in Greek class...I have immortalized it in the form of a poem. (first a pause to listen to the bass singer do a solo.) So that music was putting to sleep. I switched to...well it was "In the Mood" played on the it is some mariachi...La Puerta Negra. But the poem...

The fly landed on my paper
I was ready for a caper
Greek class was getting long
I was waiting for the bell to gong

And when that fly had landed
I thought some fun to me was handed
My hand crept up to it
The fly my finger hit

It flew in an arc
My what a lark
It hit Ben in the arm
You can be sure I meant no harm

Ben didn't know what was going on
He covered his mouth with a yawn
The fly was no more
And Greek was soon 'ore.

So that was provided me with some amusement...and all of you with a poem to deride and make fun that redundant? We learned about something called reduplication in if that isn't reredundant I don't know what is.....till next time I'll be around and busy....